An album containing some 40 cartes-de-visites of military officers brought $11,000.
Virginia Sale Yields Rare $75,000 Dutch Chest
MT. CRAWFORD, VA. – Green Valley Auction’s July 12 sale featured a Schrank (Dutch chest) owned by the Kline Family from Rockingham County, Va. since the late Eighteenth Century. The chest featured walnut with southern yellow pine secondary, double ogee molded cornice and a case having two double raised panel thumbnail-lipped doors hung on rattail hinges. The doors were divided and flanked by narrow double recessed ogee molded panels, quarter column corners, double raised panel ends, lower section steps out slightly with heavy applied double molding at top, three lower thumbnail-lipped drawers, heavy applied ogee molding at base.
The interior had three shelves on the left side and one shelf with hanging pegs below on right side; the back consisted of two sections, each having four raised panels, closely resembling house doors of the period. The Schrank measured some 86 inches high by 72 inches wide at case, and 82 inches wide at cornice. With the exception of changed locks and the loss of its original ball-style feet, this piece was in a remarkable original state of preservation. The piece included its original untouched dry surface, remnants of original drawer hardware, and had some insect damage to a board under the base. This extremely rare Shenandoah Valley example has never passed out of the Kline family and sold for $75,000
Selling for $5,100 was a Grayson County, Va. walnut pie safe with poplar secondary; two doors having three punched heart and star tins above a lower dirty dish panel; ends with identical configuration; and turned front feet with rear feet being square extensions of rear posts; old dry finish. The pie safe dated from the first half of the Nineteenth Century, measured 55 (H) by 491/2 (W) by 181/2 inches (D); had an old patch to one end tin and showed minor insect damage to the top and back.
An Aubusson Tapestry that sold for $6,500, featured a gold shell and scroll border, was framed in a light blue secondary field, a light rose main field with ornate central urn and cascading deep red, blue and other color flowers, red and had blue parrots at the bottom.
An old fabric label on the reverse written in period ink read “Tapestry Panel 1″ 80 x 1” 48 “Wernher.” This late Eighteenth/early Nineteenth Century, measured 71 by 53 inches. And had some minor fading and fabric separation. Provenance included Dorothy Lambert Mondell/Josephine Garland Lambert Estate. The selling price was $6,500.