Marcel Guguianu nude in white marble, $4,887.
NEW YORK CITY – The David Findlay Galleries will present an exhibition of oil paintings by Hannah Achtenberg. The show opens on Wednesday, February 13, and runs through March 13.
Achtenberg creates brilliant landscape paintings with an emphasis on the sky. Her paintings offer grand views of expertly depicted cumulus clouds sailing over the spectacle of a pristine countryside unfolding below.
Achtenberg’s skies encompass much of the canvas, often as much as three fourths of the painting. This is a style borrowed from the Old Masters of Dutch landscape paint-ing. Rather than eclipsing the landscapes, the dramatic skies serve instead to heigh-ten the importance of the vista below, whether it is farmland or the arm of a sandbar reaching into the sea.
Summers spent on the eastern shore of Long Island and visits to the rural countryside of New England provide the subject matter for her work. She currently resides in New York City.
David Findlay Galleries, 984 Madison Avenue, is open Monday through Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm. For information, 212-249-2909.