“Heart” perfume bottle and diamond ring, circa 1896. Rock crystal, platinum, diamonds, rubies and gold. Lent by Tiffany & Co. archives.
Reflecting the Global Angst of the Information Age
NEW YORK CITY – “Hank Feeley, The Information Age,” will open at First Street Gallery, 526 West 26th Street, ninth floor, on September 10. The show will run through October 5. There will be a reception Thursday, September 19, 5 to 8 pm.
Hank Feeley’s oils on canvas and small bronze sculpture depict the ironic consequences of “The Information Age” on a globalized world.
During travels throughout the world in the 1980s and early 90s Feeley became aware of and concerned with the intercultural contradictions created by an increasingly pervasive information access that now permeates all levels of society. Many of the incongruities that result from this technological overload are visual, and this is what Feeley so deftly interprets in the latest of his series on “The Information Age.”
Feeley’s paintings are figurative, but his monumental symbolic approach to subject matter as well as heightened color, bold form and often enigmatic, stinging narrative add impact to his art. “The Information Age” is the second in a series of paintings and sculpture on the theme that Feeley first exhibited at Lyons Wier Gallery, Chicago, in 2001.
First Street Gallery, 526 West 26th Street, is open Tuesday-Saturday, 11 am to 6 pm. For information, 646-336-8053 or visit www.firststreetgallery.net.