“Black Hollyhock Blue Larkspur,” Georgia O’Keeffe, 1930. Oil on canvas from a private collection.
BRONXVILLE, N.Y. – On May 11 Noel Fine Art will open an exhibit of selenium-toned photographs by Michael Gesinger. This series is of places in Italy that Gesinger has traveled in the past several years: Venice, Siena, Rome, Naples, Sorrento, Gubbio, Tuscany, Spoleto, Florence, Assisi and parts of Southern Italy.
Since the 1970s Gesinger has traveled and photographed both the landscape, in color and black and white and the nude. With the nude, mostly in black and white, he hand colors the skin tone. With his selenium-toned black and white landscape photographs, Gesinger gives an Old World feeling to the places.
Gesinger has won many awards for his work and innumerable articles have been written about him. He has been reviewed in the major publications including The New York Times. He lives on a small island near Seattle, Washington, where he has just built a home and studio.
Gesinger will attend the opening on Friday, May 11, from 5 to 8 pm.
The gallery is at 80 Kraft Avenue. For information, 914-337-4050.