POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. — Having moved South to be closer to family members, Dr Doris Soldner selected Hyde Park Country Auctions to sell her lifetime collection of antiques, mostly Americana and early primitives from around the world. The sale’s first part, an online-only event via LiveAuctioneers, occurred on May 8, dispersing the large Americana collection that she and her late husband Jerry had amassed. Topping that session was a primitive garden worktable in original blue paint, having a built-in herb drying rack, which sold for $5,750, including premium. Later this summer will be her toys and dolls, ephemera, early bottles and glass, advertising, sterling silver and more Americana and Victorian-era collectibles, including lighting. Watch for a review of the first part of the Doris and Jerry Soldner collection in a later issue.