Around 1880, Joseph Tomah of the Passamaquody created this log carrier with narrative scenes etched in birchbark.
ROCKPORT, MASS. – The Mercury Gallery, 20 Main Street, will feature an exhibition of Joseph Solman’s work entitled “Cape Ann Diary” through June 27.
On view are oils, monotypes and sumi drawings. Most of the material has never been previously shown. As an artist Solman does not impose himself on the subject matter. He has stated, “I have long discovered for myself that what we call the subject yields more pattern, more poetry, more drama, greater abstract design and tension than any shapes we may invent.”
Paul Solman, the artist’s son, in his catalog entitled “Joseph Solman” states: “From the beginning, drawing ranked high on his list of talents as did his way with color and his ability to distill the character and mood of place on an object into a handful of sensitively shaped and organized forms.”
The light, the brightness and the colors present only on Cape Ann are clearly evident in the works that will be on exhibition. According to Solman, his monotypes, utilizing these phenomena, could only have been accomplished on the North Shore.
For information, 978-546-7620.