Clarke Estate Auction
Sunday, January 31 @ Noon
Previews Fri & Sat, Jan 29-30, Noon-6 PM & Jan 31, Day of Sale, 10 AM-Noon
Snow Date: Feb 1 @ Noon
Live Internet bidding on
FINE ART: Raymond Wendell; Leslie Eisenberg; Kazuya Sakai; Zero Mostel; Martin Zerolo; Haley Lever; Nathan Hoffman; Eugene Paprocki; Jacques Hnizdovsky; Marc Chagall; Joan Miro; Wifredo Lam; Robert Indiana; Julius Bloch; Anders Zorn; Oskar Schmidt; Ludwig Pasini; Robert Blum; William Hatherell; Joseph Bellange; Thomas Rowlandson; Rembrandt Peale; Thomas Daniell; Justine Fuller; Marcia Marx; more to come
FURNITURE: 18th & 19th C Continental and American
MISCELLANEOUS: Antique carpets; Chinese porcelains; scrolls; enamels; collection of bronzes inc E. Tell, Rus-sian, F. Curtis, 3 Carl Kauba, Cyrus Dallin and Howard Richard Hunt; Samick piano; lighting; ebony; pr of serpent andirons; Fin Nor fishing reel; S.E. Bogdan Nashua, NH fishing reel; LeCoultre; Atmos clocks; Charles Jacques 11 tube grandfather clock; dore bronze clock; books; needlepoints; English broad sword; pate sur pate
MIDCENTURY: Eames; Bruno Mathsson; 8 Fasem Italian chairs; Camer; chrome; Lucite Maurizio Tempestini for Salterini; Danish Modern; Howard Miller; Parzinger; rosewood; Baker
SILVER & JEWELRY: Gold; diamonds; Tiffany repousse sterling tea set; Christofle tea set; 800 ornate tazzas; Caldwell jug; 6 Samurai Shokal plates; charm bracelets; Persian silver; silver fibulae; International “Orchid” flat-ware; more coming
2372 Boston Post Road, Larchmont, NY 10538
Live Internet bidding on
Broadsword 1650
Carl Kauba
Jacques Hnizdovsky
Thomas Rowlandson
S.E. Bogdan
Carl Kauba
Pair of German tazzas
Robert Indiana
Justine Fuller
Samick G3A
Le Corbusier Zero Mostel
Cyrus Dallin
Marcia Marx collection
Charles Jacques 11 tube
Howard Richard
Collection of 6 silver
Samurai Shokal Yokohama chargers
F. Curtis
Kazuya Sakai
Black Forest Oskar Schmidt Joan Miro Martin Zerolo Marc Chagall “Pritemps au Pre” 61
Victorian charm bracelet
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036